Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to October.

Where did September go? I cannot believe that October is here. Upon waking up this morning, the weather is gorgeous, the morning DJ's are talking about all of the scary movies coming out this month, and I already set out our cute little ceramic pumpkin on our bar. It's officially my favorite season! And to kick it off, how about some costume contenders for this year's festivities?

Pin-Up Sailor Girl


Greek Goddess

Those are the top two choices now. I already have the blue dress and I have the material to make a Greek costume. So, it's just up to which one I lean towards more. I just don't know!!!

Thoughts? What are you planning to be for Halloween??


  1. Cute Blog!I like the greek one but it's probably because one of my life goals is to go to a really good toga party. I want to go as Captain Morgan for Halloween but we will see how that goes :/


  2. Okay. The sailor girl is amazing! ;)

    Just stumbled over here from 20sb.

    P.S. Let you an award on my blog.

  3. I'm thinking a unicorn. I have a drawing on my blog,
    I have a better drawing now, I have to do another post. I even bought some felt for the head piece.
    My vote is for the sailor outfit.
